Funny isn't it, that the very people we need in top political jobs because of their integrity and not their egos don't go there? Then there are the few who do but leave when they realise 'the job isn't life'.
Of course, there are good people in politics at every level and in every party. But now, when every utterance and every idea is attacked with such virulence, is it any wonder that a person with normal feelings would escape and leave it to the ‘successful psychotics’? So it is time to make top political jobs family friendly? Because, like the song says, "We don't know what we've got til it's gone!"
That David Bartlett was not only making the Tasmanian Government (in coalition with the Greens) work, but seemed to be offering a model to major parties that will need the Greens to form governments at state and federal level in the future.
So, while the Tasmanian (unofficial) state motto seems to have recovered from 'State of Corruption' back to being the 'the Holiday Isle' we will all hold our breaths to see if Lara Giddings can keep it that way.
The picture is of me looking for hope among the debris.
(Stanley, NW Tas, where cattle graze among the ruins of its convict past).