Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Thank you for pissing me off!

Scene: Out on the scooter, dropping Greens information pamphlets into letter boxes, yesterday.

I see a cranky faced crusty old bloke, spraying Roundup on weeds growing through his cobbled driveway, so I buzz up beside him.

“G’day mate, don’t spray me, I’m not a weed, I’m only a Green.”

“Wadda ya want!” It isn’t a question, it’s a challenge.

“I stopped to give you some information on your Green candidates for next Saturday’s election.” (hold out pamphlet), “So you can put faces to the names.” (smile).

(shouts) “NO THANKS!”

“I’m glad you said that.” (still smiling... he couldn’t resist).

“Wadda ya mean?” This was a real question. I had him.

“Well, you know the big parties are funded by big business and big labour?” (he nods) “But see these pamphlets, I have to pay for these myself.”

He is now looking interested, so I continue. “So if you have no intention of ever reading it, I’m glad you told me so I don’t waste my money.”

With that, I put it back in the bag and rode off, rehearsing my little speech.
I did get to use it again later on another dyed-in-the-wool Conservative. Go the Greens!

Pic cocurtesy: norcalblogs.com


  1. You brought me in with title and kept me with the engaging dialogue. A real slice of human nature here.

  2. I'd like to see you on that scooter.

  3. Tell me you wear a helmet .... that brain of yours is pretty priceless.

  4. Well Ford - that is pretty game of you to lay you polite tics on the table for all bloggy land to see. This feminist lefty knitter does not do it on her own blog - but on yours - so you didn't like what you read in Ian Plimer's Heaven and Earth then? No, not a denier. A sceptic. Question EVERYTHING man question everything.

    I reckon the evidence is that we are not responsible for the earths temperature but we are responsible for keeping our planet alive and well.

    So go the Greens in the Senate.
    But Saturday will be a good day for red heads too.

  5. Over here a scooter is motorised - were you on a motorised vehicle or pedal pushing?

    Just teasing - I love your line. Best of luck!

  6. Go Stafford! I couldn't handle doing what your doing - probably end up punching someone, and apparently that is illegal ;) The day is drawing near - need to stock up on some valium in case the budgie smuggler gets in - oh deah!

  7. I enjoyed that very much. Thank you.

  8. paying for your own literature
    why here you'd be a conservative
    good luck


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