Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Tahitian Magpie Riddle


Three Tahitians in a row,
A vahine in the middle;
 A tane sitting either side;
 A Gauguin Painting riddle.

 But note expressions on each face,
Their minds are on each other.
The boys are clearly terrified
She’s gonna drink their kava!


 Prompted by The Meal, a Paul Gauguin collected by the Magpie.


  1. Where there is life, there is kava OR is it where there is kava, there is life? I had a taste of it long ago in Fiji! (I think I just fell asleep)

  2. Hhhmmm, there's is so much more I have not tasted, or experienced!

    1. For you and Carrie too, let me say; I tried it once and it tastes as bad as a durian smells!
      But if you want to get totally legless in a short time, go for it!
      Warning: Produces the worst hangover!

  3. Must be a wonderful drink....i never have tried it. You always find the humor in a picture....i love that Stafford!!! :-)

  4. Then there'd be 'no kava for Johnny'! Good one Stafford :)

  5. Kava, of course, that would explain the doped out expressions on their faces.

  6. haha they better keep an eye on her then...smiles....

  7. Love it! Her expression says pretty much the same doesn't it?

  8. I love the idea that they are all watching each other to see who is going to make a move.Not sure about the ‘vahini’ and ‘tane’ - Tahitian I’m guessing.

    1. Maybe I should have included a glossary.
      Vahine (waheenee) is a Tahitian girl and Tane (tarnee) a Tahitian man.

  9. Replies
    1. Kava! Do they sell it Australia? My daughter lives in Queensland and I am going there for the ninth time. I'll ask her if she knows kava.
      Your post is very nice! Thanks and also thanks for your comment.

  10. i like how you see this as a riddle. i think he just mixed up themes. i don't think the still life and the figures were there at the same time when he painted them.

  11. Superb rhyme. I absolutely love this!

  12. Thanks for the quick vocabulary lesson in this one. LOL :)

  13. Nice! The girl definitely seems to have the upper hand as the knife looms in the foreground.


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