Tuesday 2 September 2014

Nothing fishy here.

They all wait and hang around,
So expectant, held spellbound.
Looking, lifting,
Searching, sifting.
No red herring to be found!

 I just love Wyeth, and Magpie Tales .

My first book review. Here it is. It is almost as long as the book! 
Cull – Stafford Ray Classic Author and Publishing Services Pty Ltd – 2014 - ISBN 9780987607706 
Let me say at the outset this is a 4 star fast moving novel in the now well-established genre of a political thriller, much favoured by film makers. It is to be hoped its continuance in another form will be guaranteed by a sharp-witted film producer who gets hold of the script and film rights before the competition does. It is an extraordinarily visual story. 
The story weaves together several ongoing and current global themes as in climate change, diminishing stocks of the once readily obtainable oil and overpopulation. These themes are woven together in an unrelenting political context which holds the story together and provides the ever-increasing tension as various life views and political stances are challenged, or not, depending on the character, to breaking point. 
The characters whilst numerous, are not to the stupefying degree of War and Peace, and encompass those to hate – the quick witted, narcissistic psychopaths; the less agile mentally – going along with flow and the much rarer, essentially decent person – who is challenged to the core of his being. One such person is central to the whole story. 
Dialogues are first rate, the characters' private and personal feeling and observations (as in stage left sotto voce so to speak) are wonderful and the characters are very well drawn and consistently all of a piece. The structure of the book is well-nigh perfect, short chapters, moving settings and increasing tension mounting all the time. The excellent choice of type face and line spacing are refinements that are deserving of praise. 
The cover is also a very appropriate choice. 
 So OK you ask what did you not like about the book? Well, absolutely nothing at all. Perhaps a dramatis personnae page might be a thought. 
So again, four stars and who, I ask, is knocking on the door with offers of film rights for this extraordinarily visual fast moving political thriller? 
 Dr Pem Gerner. BA English Lit


  1. ha hah! and I have this wonderful book on top of my pile to read- it's next to read and I'll let you all know how wonderful it is very soon!

    1. Great! And I want a review from your side of the Pacific too.

    2. one moe book to read on my pile and then I will be reading your excellent book ....BIG BIG HUGS from this side of the Pacific!

  2. This, my friend is a stellar review ~ I am passing it along to the writer / director of Sweet Land! Winner of the 2007 Indie Spirit Award for Best First Feature!

    1. Thanks heaps... but I would rather see what you think! :-)

    2. ... years ago you told me Cull was a warning ~ not a prediction. I hope that still holds true.

    3. ... and as I journey through Cull, I realize how much the Mekong Story adds another dimension, another perspective. Smiles.

  3. So whats wrong with being a quick witted narcissric psychopath ? Like neuromancer, all i need now is a body ....

    1. Oh there are plenty around us, and unfortunately are calling the shots! (As you know).

  4. Congratulations on your stellar review, Stafford.

    But about that picture. Where are the dockyard cats?

    1. They must be there somewhere... they always are.

  5. Wow! What a wonderful review. Where can I get a copy of your book, Ford?

    1. Thanks Tess. Amazon has not picked it up yet, so I suggest the Book Depository UK (free delivery) and put your email on their waiting list. It is available from here (http://classic-jojo.com) but the freight is prohibitive (about US$20)


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